Yozo Commissions

Welcome! My commissions are currently open

Please check the examples of pricing and terms of service before ordering.


Pieces are priced according to number of characters and the complexity of the background, pose, and colors you would like.
All prices shown dictate minimums to maximums (supposing there are only one or two characters).

Icons $10-$20
character head with or without shoulders.

Character, Simple Background $20-$30
lined character with single color background.
Just lines $20-25
Lines and character's base colors $25-30

Painted Character, Simple Background $30-$50
colored, shaded character with simple background (pattern option available).
*reminder - adding a character adds between $10 to $20 depending on pose.

Full Digital Painting $50-$100
Most various in price depending on vision of client.

Watercolor $100
Any larger watercolors have base price of $100 but all originals will go to the client. Depending on dimensions - the price may be negotiated for lower.

Terms of Service

Last Updated: February 27, 2020

I. General
1. By ordering a commission, you agree to both the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.
2. By ordering a commission, you declare that you are of legal age.
3. I reserve the right to refuse your commission order if it touches upon topics that could be qualified as hate or gore.
4. Any correspondence must be conducted in a professional or polite manner. Any ill behavior will not be tolerated and your commission will be cancelled if any such conflict occurs.
5. I reserve the right to alter these terms of service at any time. New rules and prices will not apply retroactively and won’t influence orders stated on older terms.
II. Ordering
1. Each price is tailored towards an individual commission depending on complexity, number of characters, and character design. If you wish to commission me, email me directly.
2. When constructing the description of your commission, include up-to-date, CLEAR visual reference and a brief description in your own words. Retroactive changes may be individually charged depending on complexity.
3. By providing me with visual references, you declare that you have full rights to discussed characters or the owner’s permission for usage of the character design depicted on those references.
4. If the order involves several people, all communication should be handled by a single representative elected privately by said group. This person will be the ordering client required to handle all official exchanges regarding this commission including payment.
III. Payment and Refunds
1. All payments must be made via PayPal UP FRONT – unless you plan to negotiate a payment plan.
2. All invoices are due within 48 hours of when they are received. If they are not paid by the due date, the invoice and commission will therefore be cancelled.
3. Your PayPal email MUST be provided in the initial correspondence for the invoice to be sent.
4. I will cover all fees and transfer-related expenses.
5. Refunds can be requested at any time. However, if it is cancelled during the creation process, refunds will be calculated depending on progress made.
6. If I am unable to complete a piece, I will admit as such and grant the client a full refund.
IV. Creation Process, Revisions, Deadlines
1. A deadline, if desired, has to be communicated and agreed upon within the first professional conversation. Deadlines affect price depending on proximity. I do not allow due dates earlier than two weeks.
2. Most commissions without deadlines will be completed within (at most) three months depending factors in my own personal life. The client will be notified if there will be a delay.
3. Commissions will receive a sketch for approval and the client has a right to two revisions for any piece. Indecisive or drastic differences between revisions warrant possible cancellation.
4. Further progress updates are provided exclusively at the client’s request.
5. Any additional work outside of the initial project can be refused or charged separately.
V. Image Rights
1. I retain all rights to any created artwork.
2. Clients may post the art at will as long as credit is included, and no monetary profit is
made. These commissions are for personal use only.
3. I do not claim any rights to characters or references used in the process of creation.
VI. Miscellaneous
1. Please respect my working hours. I am still a full-time university student.
2. My private contact information will not be shared with clients.
3. Please refrain from using any name to refer to me other than Yozo.
4. If any violation of monetary trust regarding these terms occurs, the client’s rights to all commissioned works will be retracted and all future commissions will be blocked. The violator’s information will be reported publicly (This refers to refunding after the final product is delivered).

Privacy Policy

I do not share any information with any third parties, and do not use tracking or advertising technologies. All information provided to me in the process of creating and producing a commission is used solely for communication purposes.

All information received from myself will be reciprocally kept private by the client in the same manner.


Have you read the Terms of Service? Good!
Have you chosen your type of commission? Excellent!
Please format your subject line:
(Commission for Yozo) [insert your nickname or character's name]
Within your email (as dictated in the terms of service), include the type of commission you would like, a brief description, the PayPal email you would like the invoice to be sent to, and attach the clear, up-to-date references of the characters in question.

[email protected]